Springville Journal from Springville, New York (2024)

Daniel: and Edward Conley of Buffalo were in town Sunday. Mrs. Anna Conley of Buffalo was in town one day the past week. Mr. and Mrs.

A. K. Besse left Monday to visit his sister, Mrs. S. Morris, and other friends at Millport and Shinglehouse, Pa.

Mr. and Mrs. George Bacon and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Smith of Great Valley were guests of Mr.

and Mrs. E. D. Tefft of Buffalo street last Sunday. E.

J. Morrison, who has been spending two months with relatives in town, has returned to his home in Salamanca. Mrs. Joseph Warner returned with him. Mrs.

John Sucher underwent an operation at the Woman's hospital in Buffalo Sunday. She is convalescing I nicely. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ware and Miss Gladys Hanson of Springville and Mrs.

Florence, Conger of Collins Center are spending the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Maxon at Memphis and Mr. and Mrs. Chauncey Holmes of Syracuse.

Maurice Hannon of Buffalo and his Mrs. Kate Hannon of Sardinia were in town Friday. Mr. Hannon was accompanied by his friend, Judd Hungerford of Buffalo. Mr.

H. is an engineer of the L. W. of some 35 years experience as such who now makes daily runs from Buffalo to Elmira. He was taken to Cascade Park and the new dam and power house; he was enthusiastic of Springville and surrounding country.

It was his first visit to this place. 11,003 Dairy Cattle Tested The Farm Bureau office reports that for the month of August their veterinarian tested 11,003 heads of dairy cattle in Cattaraugus county for' tuberculosis. If this 850 had never been tested before, while 250 were annual retests. A. reassuring fact of this, the August work, is that there were no reactors in any of the retests, whereas about 200 of the first tests showed reaction.

During our vacation our studio will be open daily from 9:30 to 5:30. Expect to return about Oct. 4th. Edgar 0. Spaulding Himself, Maker of Photographs.

Studio, Main and Buffalo Sts. "supreme with men who know" PAPI CO Own Your Own Papec-It Pays When winter comes will you have summer feed? STAGE is want its summer feed summer-feed preserved value, for winter. must But you fill your silo when your corn is ready--not when somebody's cutter is ready. Cut your corn at the right stage of maturity. Fill and refill your silo with your own Papec, and go into winter with your "Own silo Your four-fourths full--not one-fourth empty.

Own Papec It Pays." Papec Ensilage Cutters are "supreme with men who And the fact that the Papec operates with less power proves its efficiency throughout. Read this: "We Guarantee any Papec Cutter to throw and blow ensilage perpendicularly to the height of any silo, with power, provided the speed of the cutting wheel does not any fall below six hundred (600) revolutions per minute. We also guarantee that any Papec Cutter will cut and elevate more ensilage with the same power than any other blower cutter." Bement Brooks MAIN STREET SPRINGVILLE, N. Y. FOUR SPRINGVILLE JOURNAL SPRINGVILLE JOURNAL $1.50 a Year Strictly in Entered in the postoffice at Springville, N.

Y. as second class matter. W. C. LOWE Proprietor Thursday, September 14, 1922 Personal and Local Mention Miss Achie Hammond left last week for Norfolk, Nebr, where she will teach Latin.

Miss Elsie Bigelow and Miss Edith Williams have returned to their school work at Cleveland. Mr. and Mrs. Noel King of Buffalo spent Sunday with his mother in town. Mrs.

Marshal Storum of Cattaraugus visited Mrs. Bessie Storum day. Mr. and Mrs. C.

J. Charlow and Weston, of Orlando, spent day with Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Simon. Mrs.

Fred W. Leland was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. E. O.

Leland Chautauqua from Saturday until Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Meldrum Bradford, were guests of and Mrs. Charles Wasson Saturday and Sunday.

0000000000000000 A Young Man's Plan YOUNG MAN came to the bank one day and A told us he was going away from home to work. He wanted to know how to send his money back to us for his savings account. We talked this matter over with him and he found it easy to do his banking by mail. When he gets his salary he promptly sends a good share of it to be deposited for him. His bank account is growing rapidly.

When he comes home he will find more money to his credit than he sent us because his money has been earning interest for him. No matter where you may go you will find it easy to do your banking with us by mail. Come in and talk with us about this service before going away. Citizens National Bank SPRINGVILLE, N. Y.

Under supervision of U. S. Government. Interest at Compounded Quarterly. Miss Lucy Bensley is attending library convention at Westminster, Thousand Islands.

Sun- Mrs. Charles Foxton of Buffalo spent Saturday and Sunday with son, and Mrs. W. C. Lowe and family.

Sun- Mrs. John A. Elmore and 1 son Washington, D. is the guest her parents, Mr. and Mrs.

E. Churchill. Mr. and Mrs. R.

C. Pattison at daughters and Whitcomb Van Volkenburg spent the week end and Sunday in Jamestown. of Mr. and Mrs. George Danser Mr.

son of Flint, are spending some time with her brother, Samuel Spencer, and family. J. Willson Bement, Charles Salzler, M. R. Smith and C.

Fisher are a fishing trip to Rice Lake, 90 miles northeast of Toronto, Ont. Mr. and Mrs. James McClusky Mercer, has been spending two weeks with Mrs. Mary Shultes and Mr.

and Mrs. Orlie Tingue. Mrs. H. J.

Peterson of Pittsburgh is spending two weeks with her mother, Mrs. Emma Jenkins. Mrs. George Wyeth of Bradford, spent the week end at the Jenkins home. Mr.

and Mrs. Walter C. Ramel Cleveland were: recent guests of her mother, Mrs. Horace Jackson, and also attended the Ulmer-Haas reunion. Miss Virginia Utrich and Miss Mildred Whipple of North Tonawanda spent the week end with Miss Utrich's parents, Mr.

and Mrs. Joseph Utrich. Dr. Gregory E. Stanbro of Pawhuska, is spending two weeks with his parents, Dr.

and Mrs. Frederick Stanbro. He has just returned from John Hopkins hospital at Baltimore. From Springville he goes to Chicago for ten days, before returning to Oklahoma. Mr.

and Mrs. Charles White, Mr. and Mrs. B. E.

Austin, Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Smith and daughter, Mrs.

Henry Briggs, Mr. and Mrs. William Davis, Mr. and Mrs. M.

N. Brooks, Mr. and Mrs. William Utrich, daughter, Jane, Mr. and Mrs.

Dwight Austin and daughter, Martha Louise, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Woodward and Donald Slopey were invited to Barker by Frank D. Smith to get their fill of peaches. Coming! Friday evening, September 29th, The Merry Travelers- a mu.

sical comedy for the benefit of the American Legion and the auxiliary. $2.00, $2.50 and $3.00 Straw Hatschoice for $1.00 at Wheeler's. THE DRUGS HARVEY CAREY DRUGS STORES Specials for Friday and Saturday JUST A FEW OF OUR MANY SEPT. BARGAINS. THEY MEAN DOLLARS IN YOUR POCKET $1.00 Lydia Pinkham, 890 25c Nyals Mentholated Balm, 190 $1.00 Wampole's Cod Liver Oil, 89c 250 Nyals Roech Powder, 19c 35c fenner's Golden Relief, 250 Nyals Worm Wafers, 19c $1.00 Olive Oil, 79c 250 Nyals Catarrh Balm, 19c 25c Woodbury's Soap, 19c 25c Nyals Dyspepsia Tablets, 19c 25c Kellogg's Tasteless Oil, 190 250 Nyals Bas'em Foot Powder, 19c $1.00 Miles Blood Puriffer, 89c 25c Nylotis Face Powder, 190 $1.15 Swamp Root, 98c 250 Nyals Hand Lotion, 190 25c Hires Root Beer Extract, 21c 250 Nyals Eig Syrup, 190 $1.00 Nujol, 89c 250 Nyals Yellow Pills, 190 SCHOOL BOOKS COMPLETE EQUIPMENT OF ALL KINDS; AND SUPPLIES REASONABLY PRICED Candy Values KLENZO SOAP 51 Liggetts Orange and Gold, 2 for for a $1.01 40c Jelly Strings, 290 a lb.

healthy Jumbo Peanuts, 25c lb. 10c. Original Saturday Candy, 39c 16. $1.00 Fountain Specials for This Week PEPTONA 87c Fresh Peach Sundae, 20c Butter Scotch Sundae, 15c $1.15 BEEF, IRON AND WINE Special Bitter Swect Sundae, 20c 980 Special Chocolate Sundae, 15c Phone 37 Main and Buffalo Streets HAROLD WILLIAMS, Manager STORE SPRINGVILLE JOURNAL a Charles Hart has moved his to Rochester. Congressman James Mead called friends in town the last of the week.

Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Sixt and Bernard, visited at Fred Sixt's of cently. of E.

G. Palmerton of Collins is S. ing a week with relatives and friends in town: and Miss Vivian Lewis has returned Columbia college of expression at cago, Ill. David Upson and Miss Amanda son of Riceville called at A. M.

nard's Monday afternoon. Miss Ruth Hunt of Cuba was guest of Dr. and Mrs. W. A.

McFarlane several days last week. on Mr. and Mrs. Emanuel Pappes Buffalo were guests of Mr. and James Macris the first of the week.

of Mr. and Mrs. Merton Shultes son, William, of Buffalo were Sunday guests of Mrs. Mary Shultes and and Mrs. Orlie Tingue.

Miss M. Belle Churchill has returned to New York after spending months with her sister, Mrs. A. Fitzpatrick, and family. Mr.

and Mrs. Charles Knowles Hamburg and Misses Shunk and Decker of Boston were guests of Helen Blowers, Sunday. Mrs. Carl Allgaier of Monroe, and Mrs. Alfred Conrad of Dunkirk are spending two weeks with their parents, Mr.

and Mrs. William Mr. and Mrs. Galen Blakeley daughters, Leska and Madge, Lowell Blakeley were recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs.

E. A. Hufstater Gowanda. Mrs. Geo.

Bossman, daughter, Helen, son, Leonard, and Frank Ditcher spent the week end with friends and relatives at Duke Center, taking in many places of interest while there. Mr. and Mrs. Laban Smith spent Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs.

Charles Smith, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Gibbin of West Valley called at the Smith home Sunday.

Guests at A. M. Barnard's on Saturday were, Mrs. Louis Enders and children, Blue Hill; Mr. and Mrs.

A. J. Barnard and children and Mr. and Mrs. Warren Besse and daughter, Irene, Riceville.

Yes, we are to have a lyceum course. Read announcement. DOING GOOD John Bolender (now deceased) of Holland, formerly of Springville, once said: "During the last year I have not done so much good in the world as usual but. I made more money." He sold more real estate and less Massachusetts Mutual Life Some men act as though they were to be offered a "gold brick" when approached by a Life Insurance agent. These very same men generally are the ones who need insurance most--and are most apt to buy "gold bricks" instead.

The Massachusetts Mutual agent here is Geo. D. Jones, 83 Main Street. SEPTEMBER 14, 1922 EAST CONCORD NEWS Mrs. Julius Kuhl and daughters, Frieda and Mabel, of Buffalo are visiting their son and brother, Frank Kuhl, and family.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Shaw were in Middleport Thursday. Mr. and Mrs.

John Hardy of Buffalo spent Labor Day with Mrs. F. P. Wheelock. Mr.

and Mrs. Leslie Goodell of Buffalo were Sunday guests of her father, William Land. Mina Davis and Fred Garfield were in Chaffee Thursday evening. Mrs. Sara Fisher and daughter, Esther, of Pike visited their aunt, Mrs.

Ella Bavor, and family last week. Miss Veva Tyrer of Wyandale opened her third term of school here Tuesday, the 5th. Miss Veronica Hawks of Buffalo is spending some time with Lora M. Beaver. Mrs.

Ella Bavor, daughter, Doris, and son, Clair Fisher, spent Sunday at Letchworth Park. Smith were married in Buffalo Aug. 16th at the Woodside Methodist church by Rev. R. T.

Doherty after which they took a trip up the lakes. They are now at home to their many friends in East Concord. Joseph Bantle of East Randolph, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Wells and daughtr, Helen, of Colden were recent guests of Miss Lora Beaver.

SAVE LABOR AND COST Seven families, average four to a family, twenty-eight in all, own a camp in the Adirondacks. They have a building with seven distinct apartments but only one kitchen. This kitchen is a large room with modern equipment and a double range. All baking, as well as cooking, is scientifically and neatly done by two faithful experts and a helper. Delicious viands are sent to the dining rooms of the seven apartments, ready to serve.

Consider for a moment what the above plan means; a saving in labor, in discomfort with worry, and in fuel and general expense. Many Springville people have adopted the above method and enjoy the above privilege in-so-far as baking the chief item, is concerned. Hundreds of families, instead of only seven, thus eliminate needless worry with waste in labor, as well as money, the chief domestic problem. Fresh every day from the inviting supply of the Home Baking Company, they select their choice in wholesome, home-made various breads, rolls, cakes, cookies, pies, etc. Profusion of variety at prices which mean real economy and reduction in kitchen cares.

Enjoy this service. It is your ilege since you live in or near Springville, where you can. Have you tried it? Try it. W. Aldridge, optometrist and optician, at Leland House, Tuesday, September 26.

In home office, 531 Brisbane Building every day except Tuesday. Lewis- Sharpe Reunion. The annual reunion of the Sharpe family was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A.

Winship on Buffalo street September 10th. The day was spent quietly in visiting. Those who attended from out of town were Mrs. Bertha Gardiner of Buffalo; Floyd Lewis and family of Jamestown; Clyde Sanderson and family, Robert Topliff and family and Mrs. Steadman and Clark Wilcox and daughter of Fredonia; George Lewis of Lona; Charles Lewis and family, Bert Lewis and family of Casadaga; Earl Lewis and family of Arkwright; Lewis Winship of Lockport and Esther Winship of Lancaster.

GLENWOOD NEWS. Mr. and Mrs. Earle Bowker and children are visiting his sister and family in Toledo. Misses Florence and Ethel Buffum and Mrs.

Lee Smith with a party of eight others motored to Watkins Glen Saturday returning Sunday. H. V. Murray was in New York city several days last week. Mr.

and Mrs. W. R. Burr entertained relatives from Buffalo and Watertown last week. Mrs.

Yost of Springville was the guest of her son, J. C. Yost, and family last week. Mr. and Mrs.

George Davidson and daughter, Ethel, are visiting in New York city. Latest styles in Fall Hats at Wheeler's. Gold Seal Rubber Boots "They wear longest because They're made strongest" RU (GOLD SEAL. 1872 TRADE we The Name that Stands Foremost for Quality and Most for Your Money. For anything in Rubber Footwear try "GOLD SEAL." Schweizer Meyers SPRINGVILLE, N.

Y. HERE IS THE SHOW Special Added Attraction Godard Hall, September 15 and 16 MAC LEVAY Formerly of Family Theatre, Rochester, N. Y. As NUTTY ZEKE, THE FIDDLING FOOL Fun from Start to Finish DAT GUM, SUN-OF-A-GUN, DOGONE GEE WHIZ--LAUGH AND HOLD YOUR SIDES FOR HE'S A REARIN' TO GO Also, Charles Jones in "Rough Shod," and Comedy and News Special Price- 20c and 30c, plus tax Don't Miss This One WEISMANTEL BROS. FURNITURE AND Undertakers AUTO HEARSE AND AUTO SERVICE.

TELEPHONE 276 Corner malt and Pearl Springrille, N. Y..

Springville Journal from Springville, New York (2024)
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Author: Jerrold Considine

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Name: Jerrold Considine

Birthday: 1993-11-03

Address: Suite 447 3463 Marybelle Circles, New Marlin, AL 20765

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Hobby: Air sports, Sand art, Electronics, LARPing, Baseball, Book restoration, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.