Sun-Journal from Lewiston, Maine (2024)

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LEWISTON EVENING JOURNAL FIUDAY1 MAY 4 1906 4 1 1 To Travelers Worcester 2 10 7 Batteries Lnbelle and Clark Paine and Duggan Time 2 hours Umpire Sullivan CRANI5 TRUNK "ystem CONN LEAGUE THURSDAY Conn ut Hartford London 6 Hartford 4 Conn at New Haven: New Haven 9 Springfield 6 Conn ut -Bridgeport Norwich 3 Bridge- oke 2 TO LET One of the beet offices In Lewiston locking out on Lisbon straat first floor steam heat electric lights Rent favorable for the right party Apply at JOURNAL OFFICE fb2Sedtf TO May lat the Hart land House SO rooms und hath stable In connection Established business Apply to MK8 I FULLER Hart land Me nprtOcdTw TO LEI' Two others over National Bank with steam heat anJ all modern conveniences Apply to CASHIER HAYES dec27edtf "TO LET-Tdodsrn tenement of 7 rooms bath hot nn cold water gas nnd shod SAMUEL MOTTBAM No 42 Walnut St Lewiston Me ap288t TO Fine offtce Building Good Ught fo rooms in Journal ng Good light Steam heat On nicely fitted for office Classified Ads i Lewiston Evening Journal Daily Editions 25o for 3 lines (six words to a line) No extra chargs for two additional insertions Three linei lor one weell 50c Additional linos pro rate Lewiston Weekly Journal 1 Cent Pbr Word had reached up and with a savage yank had removed every tall feather from the plumage of his taunting enemy scattering the green ornaments over the floor "Wow! Btop It you grinning ape!" yelled Polly and the bird swore by the nine gskls of war and half a doaen other miscellaneous deities of the animal world Jocko clmtKred In fiendish glee and then rejoicing in Ills new-found freedom and the opportunities that offered a beast of hia Intelligence In a bird store when the boss Is way he started In on career of nils chief that lasted three hours furnished ex iltement for a crowd of several hundred parsons that gathered outside the store amt made tile proverbial bull In a china nhop scorn like twenty-nine cents und another cue There was no one to stop Jucko for whan John Stillwell one of the proprietors of the store went away last night he locked the place securely and took the key hom*o with him to 134 Stone street So Jocko hud things his own way The parrot was crying over Its dlsreputa-tde appearance without a toll nnd probably was wondering what to do with Easter coming on Jocko decided the green bird deserved more punishment for he sprang on top of the cage nnd reaching down pulled out more plumage The bird screamed and used strong language and Jocko chattered which attracted quite a crowd of early pedestrians Oth ir poirsons coming airing stopped to watch the unusual spectacle of monkey loose In bird store The parrot and the monkey fought for come time but the green bird by keeping to the far side of the cage managed to escape death by choking which Jocko seemed bent oi) Then the baboon left his taunting nwmy and turned his attention to the cages above! There were a score containing canary blra' and when theso saw the monkey climbing up toward them they set op frightened chirpings songsters saw the kfefiithy figure ot the -v climbing up toward them they eet ghtened chirpings that could be heard fetor's -sptlft- NEW TIME TABLE IN EFFECT SUNDAY OCT 1st 1905 Trains Urn Uwlstas still 500 AM lor Portland and boa ion 569 AM lor Montreal und Chicago 11005 AM lor Portland and Bosun 12 25 for Island Pond ard tntarmsdl ate stns I I PM for Portland 750 PM for Quebec Montreal Chicago Dally IDslly except Sunday arrives to AM from Chicago Montreal Quebea 930 AM from Portland Intermediate sta 11045 AM from Island Pond ard Intermediate stations (109 PM from Portland ft Intermediate sta 5S5 PM from Chicago Detroit Montreal 925 from Portland Intermediate eta Dally Dally except Sunday CHEAP EXCURSION TO CANADA ON MONDAY JINK mb 1900 Return fare to Montreal or Quebec (7 50 To both cltlea 5010 To Ste Anno de Bcaupre 50 cents extra Tickets I rood for one month with one step-over Slowed on return trip Bepular trains 'tor tickets and full in forms lion opply ts BOYNTON Agent I at wist on and Antrum No Orders Accepted Unless Accompanied with Casta BOXING IN NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK May 3 For tho first time since the repeal of the Horton law governing boxing bouts in this State two heavyweight pugfilsta of prominence met here tonight in a four-round contest Tho principals were Marvin Hart of Louisville and Mlkb Schreck of Chicago and they appeared In the bout which wound up the first series of exhibitions given in the Madison Square Garden concert hall by tho newly revived Twentieth Century Athletic club Tho men were slow in the opening round but fought each other almost to a tnnd-stlil In tho other three rounds Neither seemed to have trained for tho contest und they simply slugged wildly without any show of scieuce or judgment Timothy Hurst was referee but his duties were confined to making the men break from Clinches aa no decisions are rendered under the existing legal restrictions Only club members were admitted The membership books were open until 7 Two local fighters in one of the preliminary bouts were quietly arrested after leaving the ring In order that a test case may bo made as to the legality of the fights as conducted to-night TO Two store and email cffice Au-Lurn Inquire FIRST NATIONAI BANK Auburn Day Trustee fabaedtf OPTriCEB TO Some fine steam-heated offices to let In JOURNAL BUILDING Apply nt office mnrlied tf TO Four room tenement Auburn Heights DANA WILLIAMS 215 Lisbon Bt Lewiston apr7edtf each to meet the necessities of a deserving woman? It was a most happy scheme and it worked out Ideally But the results obtained have not been accidental Tlie fund has been Intelligently managed and tho terms and olrcumatances surrounding the aid extended to each individual have been of such a nature as to Inspire the noblest aspirations and the most earnest endeavor These women have bten given faith In the prQvtdenc of Goa and the goodness of man The trust Imposed In them developed and encouraged the good of them The loan to them was not only an act of generosity but an act of confidence It came to them as a double blessing which nt once stimulated their gratitude but quickened their pride and self respect It always pays to appeal to the best that Is In men nnd women -Memphis Nous Scimitar In the Markets CHICAGO A I N-ANDU STOCK CHICAGO May An Increased demand for wheat for export and for milling purposes caused a firm tone Thursday in the local wheat market At the close wheat for July delivery was up ft coni was down Vs oats showed a loss of pro visions were to 27? lower Wheat May 79S July Sept 73 Corn May 461 to July 4 Sept 46 Oats-May 324 July Sept 28 Mess May 1520 July 1540 Sept 1642H Lard-May 830 July 8424 Sept 8 56 Short May 834 Juy 860 Sept S65 Flour steady No 2 spring wheat 804i'82 No 3 76y8'- No 2 red No 2 corn No 2 yellow 4Sto9- No 2 oats 324 No 2 white 344 No 3 white No 2 rye 58 Barley 40to'4l fair to cho'ce malting 4641 50 flax seed 1074 Northwestern 1134 prime timothy seed mesi pork 1526 lard 8 324 short ribs Hides short clear aides clover 1126 Receipts Shipments Flour 22900 129(0 Wheat 17 0 0 433 0 Corn 172900 1704(8) Oats 337000 27690J Rye 60(0 100 Barley 26300 160a) steady creameries 14fftj0 dairies Two Dyspeptics If you are too fat it is beeausa your food turns to fat instead of muscle strength If you are too lean the fat producing food that you eat are not properly digested and assimilated Lean thin stringy people do not hare enough Pepsin in the stomach while fat people havo too much Pepsin and not enough Pancreatine Kodol Dyspepsia Cure contains all tha digestive juices that are found in a healthy stomach and in exactly those proportions necessary to enable the stomach and digestive organe to digest and assimilate all foods that may be eaten Kodol is not only a perfect digestant but it is a reconstructive tit sue building tonic as well Kodol cure Indigestion Dyspepsia Sour Stomach Heartburn Palpitation of the Heart and Constipation You will like it Digests What You Eat Rests the stomach rebuilds the tissues and gives firm flesh TO Lower tenement 6 rooms stable henhouse gulden fruit trees city water 285 WEBSTER BT nprUedtf FOR Nice tenement on Turner St Auburn with bath 510 OEO COBB mayled3t FOR RENT MAY 1-Modern flat finely furnished Apply BARTLETT 28 Main oprl9dtf For Sale Intelligence I'oluntn Light gray Wrist bag between Sa-battus and 'the Litchfield road coming to Bowdcln containing five-dollar bill opal ring gold-bowed glasses etc Finder please return to NO 5 DAMAGE AVE Auburn Reward may2ed3t Lost-May Ut Id Auburn a letter addressed but not stamped Will the finder please return same to BOX 128 Lewtaton and receive reward! rau yiedSt On Court or James Street bunch of keys Will finder please leave at 65 JAMES ST or AUBURN POLICE STATION lnny3ed3t Horae blanket between Lisbon Road and River Road Return to MARTEL 8 PHARMACY 267 Lisbon 8t $1 Reward may3cdst A KIND DEED THAT LAID Tho Interesting Story of Nine Gentlemen and Nine Widows of Memphis Wanted 14ttlS FOR Pair of dark bay geldings 6 and 6 years eld this spring Stand 15-2 weigh I860 to 1900 Well matched and well trained up headed and stylish Extra roadsters Not at raid of anything tt good family team For further particulars apply to BOX 60S Livermore Falls Me wmy4ed3t FOR My business and furnishings of hotel ana cottage At entrance cf Fore River Ship A Engine Co yard 4000 men are employed Board secured by company Must sell before May 26th Owner met with accident Address ANDREWS 8S8 Mas Avc Cambridge Mass maySedBt GOOD SECOND-HaKd furniture typewriter safe floor and counter cases desks counters two open wagons upright and square piano Furniture rented Goods packed for shipment Storage private rooms We store heating stoves BARTLETT 28 Main St aprifledtf EGGS FOR HATCH! NG from fine laying strain White Plymouth Rocks and Single-comb Rhode Island Reds 60 cts par set-tine WILLARD CARVER Minot Ave Auburn apr30ed6t VrrM lh Lk- I oratory of BODoWItt I fc0o0UoayoP8A ttallwksttlhld115 fjati much tht trtjj or 0 cw tec train SKRVIOS FOtf U2 N1J 4 In effect Oct- 9 1905 FROM BATES STREET STATION For Portland and Boston at 7Je am nm and 421 For Wntervlll Farmington Phillips and niuelow at am and for Farmington Phillips nnd Rangelcy Bkowhegan Bangor Mattnwmmkeng etc S30 pm For wlnthrop Vateivllle nnl Bkowhegan 540 pm For Ilme Ridge Montreal and Quebec 7 20 am for (lor ham NH Berlin Ornvetnn nnd Irltno Pond 00 a For Fabynn lumcnster and Rebeher's Falls 7 20 and on nm Vn Bebago Lake Rridgton Harrison North Conway and nartlett 720 snd 1100 am a id 425 pm Trains leave Auburn ten minutes eeri'er join East and flv minutes Inter guinq FROM MAIN STB BET UTATtON For Brunswick snd Bath 7 06 snd 1" ts 1240 400 620 and 1055 pm For Portland and Boston 705 and a enoenl 10 55 pm For Rockland 705 a 12 40 and 5 20 pun For Farmington 910 am 145 For Augusta and Watervllle 705 and 1090 nm 1240 5 20 and 10 55 pm For Bangor 7 05 and 105a am 1240 noon and 7053 pm For ftARR 1010 am and 10 65 For Bnngor Bar Harbor and Washing ton County 1240 nnd 1055 pm For Mnri time Provinces 1010 nm nnd 1055 pm Tbs JO 55 pm Saturday docs not run asst of Bangor except to Bor Harbor FROM MAIN STREET STATION SUNDAYS For Brunswick nnd Bath 710 itiW a crSale by All Druggist Ladles to know they can have the new Pony Coat also the plain Eton six dollars The Shaped with fancy trimming eight dollars The new circular Skirt four pieced or plaited front at reasonable prices MRS 8 ETCH ELL 54 Court St Auburn Phone lia-4 mayleddt MONEY TO On horse carriage farming stock pianos diamonds and all kinds of personal property May be paid In Installment Strictly confidential BOX 173 latwiston Reference First National Usnk Auburn febUedtf IF YOU DESIRE an accommodation loan addreas BOX 43 Lewiston Mo Money loaned on all articles of value and household furnishings Business conducted on a strictly confidential plan Janaadtf as attendant or us housekeeper not kitchen girl Small family Country preferred Best references given and required Address MISS A SMITH 107 Oak Street Portand Maine mayiedtt PeopTe to know that BAII-FIEI-D ti SON repair and maker nil kinds of Steam Boilers Insurance Boats and Lo-xiomotlvts 17 Pulalfer Bt New Auburn Mr mayitedtit People to know tnai we have a few remnants and seconds of towels and quilts for sale AVON MFG- CO Cor Lincoln and Lncuat Streets dec21edtf 1 WISH TO ANNOUNCE to former pat-rons that I will pack goods and do clear-F UNDERWOOD Tel 402-2 in firm at mark cases Included 13y 14 firsts 14 prime flrcdH 16 extras 17 weak 9Hcio receipts 9000 common to prime steers 4jN! 30 receipts 18000 choice to prime heavy 6 60h 6 65 receipts 15000 sheep 460ff670 BOSTON PRODUCE MARKET BOSTON May Steady mill shipment spring patent 430T480 tinner: No 3 yellow Mty69 steady No 2 clipped white 40 steady No 18 Mill firm spring bran mixed feed 244(24 CO cotton seed meal 31 easier medium 1775 easier 104 steady extra heavy sides -steady 10 steady OOjlO lower Northern easy York State easier choice 20 Eastern 18 firm Baldwins 4604)6 Northern pies 4504i550 easier Green Mountains Hebron 831:5 steady on a basis of 470 for FOR Second-hand Ranges at a low price or your old stove taken In exchange for a new up-to-date Glerwvood ATHERTON FURNITURE COMPANY aprfedtf FOR Three-chair hairdressing parlors at the spashore Address or tn-qulro 150 TURNER ST Auburn mayled3w FOR Gkntlemen brlver Family and General Purpose Horses A good supply constantly on hand GEO CURTIS 201 Middle St laewiston 1240 noon and 1066 pm For Rockland 7U am except ferry Bath to Woolwich Fir Bangor 710 nm 1240 noon and 1065 pra Soane years ago a Memphis man died leaving a widow and several children in straightened circ*mstances The widow's only capital was a brave heart nnd determination to cope with misfortune She wished to enter He retail business In the city of Memphis but ohe had no money So she applied to a well-known lawyer of Memphis who was her friend for assistance and advice This gentleman have a sum sufficient for her needs but he Interested himself in her behalf nnd succeeded in raising for her a fund of 9(X) He contributed $100 eight others of his acquaintances earn contributed like amount making up the desired sum The $900 was loaned to the widow without interest for such time as she might need it or In other words until she became able to return the loan The gentlemen agreed that if tho widow paid lie money it would be loaned to another widow for a like purpose in case Hhe was unable to repay voluntarily she was never to be asked for the money The lady invested judiciously In a modest little business She was careful and dllll-gent Success crowned her efforts and she paid back the money after two years TJie gentlemen then took the money and loaned it to another deserving widow under tlie same circ*mstances and conditions and she in turn prospered and returned tlie loan Then tlie money was placed for the third time with the same satisfactory result and bo on this endless chain of phil-anthrophy progressed until we find the fund nt the present time in the hands of the ninth widow who Is doing well anil who Jnforrtis the gentlemen that she will soon bay off her note This Is not a fairy tale It Is a chapter from life and the parties to the transaction are well-known Memphians Yet what a valuable lesson this story contains It attests the honesty and reliability of the woman In business It demonstrates the high sense of financial obligation and moral responsibility that most women who have been Intrusted with a good round sum of money without security and no fixed obligation to return the money yet nine women out nine have proven to be worthy of the trust reposed In them This fund speaks eloquently of the nine men who made It up It speaks even more eloquently of the nine widowd who have used It with profit and returned it The entire transaction shows that It pays to aid worthy women The city may well be proud of nine Buch men and nine such women But here is an example of Intelligent philanthropy and united effort along ltnes of helpfulness That $900 built up nine estates and is probably supporting twice as many families It has built up nine bank accounts probably more added nine business firms to the commercial life of Memphis and added nine taxpayers to the tax rolls Could these gentlemen have made a mortj fortunate investment? What oilier fund of like slse Is accomplishing so great a result? What greater contribution could these entlemen have made to the general wel-are than this direct contribution of $100 In the street Jocko reached his thin arms through tha wires and eheked several of the yellow birds to llfclessness Next lie east the cages on the Boor Tills he did until he had killed ten canaries nnd a goldfinch All the while he was chattering and scolding or it may have been laughing at the spur' he was having Hy this time the crowd of people In Market' street watching the monkey's antics had become so largo that word was sent to the First Precinct Notice was forwarded to Mr Stillwell that if he wanted to sec any of hte stock alive he had better hurry to the store Meanwhile Jocko began tearing th feathers from the dead canaries and the place looked as If a parade of Orangemen had been Intercepted bv a crowd celebrating St Patrick's Day When Mr Stillwell hurried into the store nbeut 8 o'clock he found the baboon In lighting mood cTHe bird man drove the beast Into a corner and grappa with him Jocko fought back trying to bite Mr Stillwell and the latter was obliged to choke the monkey Into submission After that lie was chained In his cage Once more a captive Jocko picked up a r-traw nnd began to chew It contemplatively with look on his wlxened old face tlrat seemed to Indicate he was struggling with the problem of the descent of man or the origin of the species SporiingNews AMERICAN LEAGUE GAMES THURSDi Washington 6 Boston 4 BOSTON May Bunching hits in the same Innings that Boston made errors gave Washington game by the score of 6 to 4 Kltaon pitched good ball throughout the game whlleWlnter was In poor form and neither he nor Harris who took his place received good support The score Washington 0 0 8 0 3 0 0 0 Boston 0 10 10 0 11 0 4 Two base hits Grimshawr Anderson Kit-son sacrifice hits Freeman Parent Hickman stolen base Schafley bases on balls off Kltson 1 off Winter 1 off Harris 2 struck out by Kltson 4 by Winter 2 by Harris 2 hits ofT Winter 7 in 5 innings off Harris 2 in 4 innings: passed balls Graham 2 hit by pitched ball Heydon Time 147 Umpire Sheridan At New York: New York 6 Philadelphia Batteries Clarkson Orth and Klelnow Dygert and Powers Time 212 Umpires Hurst and Evans At Cleveland: 6 Bt- Loul 0 Batteries Rhoadcnaqd Clarke Howell and Rickey Time Umpires Connor and At Detroit: Detroit '9 Chicago 2 Batteries Mullin and Paine Altrock and McFarland Time 2 hours Umpire Connolly American League Standing Won Lost Phila ibiv 10 Cleveland 8 Washington 9 Detroit 8 Chicago 8 St Louis 7 New York 6 Boston 6 For Poytlnnd und Roston 10 60 ni and 1055 pm BOOTH RT GKO EVA NS 41PAT A VPftO It FOR Automobile Who will get this bargain? A Knox runabout seats four No use for it have two la GLEASON Mon Sq Portland Maine npr28ed6t aprl3edtf EVENTS are constantly showing how absolutely uncertainty dominates existence Great catastrophes illustrate the necessity of always being ready the wisdom of carrying Life insurance and of taking it NOW The UNION MUTUAL issues all desirable plans suitable for varying circ*mstances at reasonable premium rates PROTECTION is the key-note of every policy Negotiations expeditious confidential Inquire NOW Portland Romford Falls Rr KEROSENE AND GASOLINE Cans loaned free Lubricating Oils for Automo biles and rill kinds of machinery LOMBARD 90 Middle St apr30edtf Board for a healthy baby! None but good parties need apply Address AL Post Office Auburn Maine mayJed3t Board and room In private family for two Must be first class Ane XX Journal may2edSt THE COTTON MARKETS NEW YORK May Cotton Spot closed quiet middling uplands 1175 middling gulf 12 Sales 2100 bales Galveston steady 17-16 Charleston firm 11 Memphis steady 11 3-16 New Orleans quiet 114 Mobile quiet 114 Savannah quiet 114 Consolidated: Net receipts for six days 67769 exports to Great Britain 31472 exports to France 7626 exports to Continent -12421 exports to Japan 3760 Stocks 667702 IK THE LOCAL Fenuile Help Wanted 2D-HAND FURNITURE bought and sold Send postal Furniture repaired FAY 24 Manley St Auburn Me Tel 366-64 apr27edlm LOVEKB Send twenty-five cents to A Saco Maine Box 499 und get two new songs words and music may4e19t la Effect October 9 1906 Trains leave Lewiston tM-C Upper Stall -n LB PM for 'Poland Mechanic Falla Buokfleld Canton Dlxfleld Kumtord Fails Bemis Bouth IUngeley and Oguoesoc 20 AM 155 far Rumford Falls snd tiitermedlats stations 110 A 155 PM and 4 08 PM for Mechanic Falls and Intermediate stations Trains run dally except Sunday BRADFORD Traffic Manager Portland Me LOVKJOY Superintendent Rumford Falls Me FOR A fine top Aggy This car-rlage can bo seen at MR CHAS NEV-EN6 STORE ROOM Charles Horbury maytedtt EXPERIENCED COOK WAN'PED-ln private family having house with all conveniences Including separate rooms and sitting loom for the girls Highest wages and very pleasant home Address with age and experience THOMAS Box 14k Portland Me mayteddt or middle-aged woman tp do general housework In family of 3 Modern house with every convenience Good wages Addreas TOBEY North Berwick Me ANTED-- A gtcl WHotican coota and do general housework Small family Every modern convenience Apply MltS A STAPLES 11 Highland Avenue Auburn Following are to-days wholesale quoM lions in Lewiston and FLOUR Winter Wheat Patents 4 600 Bor Do you want a 30 HP touring car and runabout? Good condition great hill qllmber Write BOX 228 Portland Maine martedSt FOR New and second hand Gaso-ne Engines 1 16-hp Brown 5300 1 4-hp DAVIS Minot Ave Engines 1 16-h American 965 wheat Patents Mich itnd Bt Louis patents Middling car lots Superfine and low grades spring Wheat bake diddling bag lots Spring Wheat bakers Middling line Auburn apr7edwkylm FOR At a bargain 3 HP upright steam bollsr practically new EVENS Auburn aprtOedtf 550 i( 460 560 126 130 4 160 115 60 a 25 115 43 42 $200 60 22(g) 22 115120 80 Heal Estate Union Mutual Life Insurance Company Portland Maine FRED RICHARDS President FOR SALE At Livermore Falls Maine one of tlie boom towns of the State cottage house PATTERNS FOR THE JOURNAL HOME DRESS-MAKER seven rooms electric lights city water Btablo and large garden No repairs needed Situated on High St Maine ifitrpn for the "Old Ladle? Home" In Bath For particular apply to MRS MOSES 982 High St Bath Maine may5ed6fmay9wkylt At once two experienced operators on Nlgger-head lasting machine FIELD BROS ft GROSS Auburn mayaedlw LADY over 21 of education and address aa traveling saleswoman salary and com mission BURNETTE Preble House Portland feblttedtf A girl who car cook and do general housework Small family Fine wagea Apply 291 COURT STREET Auburn a prlSedft wkytt Experienced hat makers millinery NOVELTY CLOAK STOIU' Lewiston Apply at Millinery Dept mayledtf rl fer general housework MRS SKELTON 491 Main St Lew- lalon mayZedtf once kltchen help COURT HOUSE CAFE Auburn may2ed3t EASTERN STEAMSHIP CO 1 -yi rt KENNEBEC DIVISION RESUMPTION OF SERVICE Commencing Thursday April 19 1908 steamer leaves Bath Tuesdays Thursdays snd Saturdays at 6 PM for Boston RETURNING From Union Wharf Boston Mondays Wednesdays and Fridays at 0 PM for Bath connecting with Steamer "City of Augusta" for all landings on the Kennebec River arriving In Bath In season to take early morning steam and electric aura for Brunswick Lisbon Falls and Lewiston and for all points on the Knox-Llncoin Division of the Maine Central RR also with steamers of the Booth bay Division fer Boothbay and Intermediate landings GREENLEAF Agent Bath Maine PORTLAND DIVISION Portland to Boston 5100 Steamers leave Franklin Wharf Portland and India Wharf Boston dally except Sunday at 7 PM JF L1SCOMB Agent Portland Maine All cargo except live stock via the steamers of this Compnny Is insured against fire and marine risk CALVIN AUSTIN Prss't ft Mgr Boston Mass MAINE STEAMSHIP COMPANY For New York Direct Steamers alternately leave Franklin Wharf Portland Tuesday Thursday and Saturday at 6 PM A DBLIOHTFUL 5HOH SB A TRIP LONG ISLAND BOUND BY DAYLIGHT Fare until May 10th Inclusive 5500 one way 5600 round trip Descriptive folder free on application to A Cl AY Agent Portland Tel 320 Also cottage house stable and throe nice lots on Union St Also an undlviM half of forty fine house lots situated on east side of High Bt have eoW four lots this spring Best of reasons for selling A rare chance Lo Invest All within five walk from church schools post-office and depot Inquire of FOSS 28 High 8treet ap28ed6t Mixed Feed car lots Oil meal Cracked corn and meal bag lots Whole Corn car lots Whole corn bag lots Meal bag lots Oats car lots new Oats bag lots for 2 bu Oats 10-bu iots Cotton seed car lots Cotton seed bag lots Sacked bran car lots Sacked bran bag lots Hay per 100 lbs Voose Hay per ton uJ Straw loose ton 1000 Straw pressed 100 lb 60 Gluten bag lots 136 165 PRODUCE Cucumber each 07 Panifilps box ibo Sweet potatoes basket 1E0 Spinach bbl 185 Dandelion greens bu 85 Radishes doz 50 Strawberries box 22 Egyptian onions bag 360 Pureley pk 71 Native potatoes bu 85 Pea beans 180 Leans yellow eyes 170 Beans red kidney jpj Popcorn lb 03 Eggs Eastern fancy 19 Butter fancy creamery 24 Butter dairy 20 22 Cut beets lb 01V Honey 19 Turnips ib 01 Carrots lb Jl New cabbage crate 275 Lettuce doz 90 Native Rhubarb lb 03 Chicago Rhubarb 06 NUTft FIGS AND DATES Any of the patterns appearing below will be mailed to Journal readers on receipt ten cents In ordering do nt fall to mention number and size of pattern desired Note: Whenever two numbers are given for illustration It Indicates two separate patterns as a skirt and waist for example and ten cents must accompany order for each The two will not be sent for len cents Readers re advised io order patterns as soon as possible as It is necessary to send away for them taking a week or more af-tes ord-jr is received here Address LEWISTON JOURNAL CO Lewiston Me RESIDENCE FOR SALE NATIONAL LEAGUE GAMES THURSDAY Boston 3 New York 0 BOSTON May After winning 10 games in succession the New York champions were shut out by Boston to-day the locals batting In three runs effectiveness and the excellence of his support formed a combination against which the the visitors were unable to contend Score: Boston 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 3 New Sfork 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Three-base hits Howard and Pfeffer Hits off Taylor 6 in 7 innings Stolen base Dahlen Sacrifice hit Bates Double plays Strobel Tenney and Bridwell Marshall (unassisted) First base on baU off Taylor 2 off Pfeffer 2 Struck out by Pfeffer 8 by Taylor 1 Hit by pitched balls by Taylor Pfeffer Time 133 Umpires Emslie and Conway At Philadelphia: Philadelphia 5 Brooklyn Batteries Duggleby McCluakey and Doo-ln: Strlcklett Pastorius and Bergen Time 145 Umpire Day At St Louis: St Louis 4 Cincinnati 1 Batteries Brown and Raub Wlemer and Schlcl Time 142 Umpire Johnstone National league Standing A SMART WAIST DESIGN A nh'S home corner of Webster St and Sylvan Ave 1ewiston 9 rooqjs and bath Good stable connected with the house Steam heat and electric light and all modern conveniences Apply or address HARRY MURCH 142 Webster Bt Lswlator aprtledtf 110 Washington St Auburn Board Ends $400 per cord Edgings or Kindlings $300 per cord Delivered to any place within city limits Tel 77-11 npri2MVF8w dates tnonds Almonds 28a Acres Stock and Tools Larfe house ard barns send for picture to get early sole owner includes 16 fine cows pair good horses pretty colt hogu hens and ull tools and machinery for only 54400 eu3y terms full details In "Strout'e List No 15" a circular describing and Illustrating hundreds of bargains selected from more than 3000 farms listed for sale 6 to 400 acres 5600 and up write to-day fur froe copy A STROUT 88 Broad Bt Boston Mass apr30ed6t FOR A good farm In No Bowdoln Good buildings 12 mile from Lewiston Btock and tools Included Musi be Bold Cheap JOHN MARTAGAN RD 3 Bow-dolnham Me apr27ed9t NEW GRAND HOTEL Male Help Wanted wanted7 Three men for general fnrm work until Nov 15 Must be good milkers Good wages Apply to MAINE SANATORIUM Hebron Me apr20dtf Agents men" or women In av-try town city and state to sell new article patent applied for needed in every household Good chahce for a few who prpvt themselves capable to travel and appoint agents Good conimlssloti Address A 7 FULLER 214 Main St Auburn Me Carpentere and mill men iat-lefied with 9 hours and 118 to 51950 a week non-union men preferred Aleo 6 first-class plumbers at 9300 per day Bawyers and men to run planing and matching machines Apply RM 702-88 Broad Bt Boston after lfc AM may2edt MEN orutomobiie Driving and repair business for 525 we guarantee a license easy payments largest and best school open evenings until 9 o'olock Enclose stamp for catalogue BOSTON AUTO SCHOOL 343 Tremont Bt Boston Mass aprl6edtomay2 HALL'S BARBER COI-LEGEtfSH Wash-lnglun Bt Boston Mass Wages while learning Instruction Tools Board Room Railroad Ticket free by "Co-operative Get particulars Immediately inaylediot 100000 PLUMbERB Plasterers bricklayers wanted for Ban Francisco we prepare you in few weeks Union card guaranteed Free catalogue COYNE BROS TRADrd 8CHOOLB New York Chicago St Louis may4edly SAN FltANClBCO Oreat Disaster Only 9100 book Far outaelli higher prtoed books Large fully tlluatrated Extra terms Freight paid Credit given Outfit free XIEGLBW CO 215 Locust 8t Ph'la-dclphla Pa mayled6t ANT PEKBON may earn a good lpcom corresponding for newspa-pars no canvusslng axpenence unnecea- High Class Laundry ALL HAND WORK Established 1884 Ill 1-2 Main St Lewiston Mer Beta Telephones aprltM WFtf 9 New York 14 Chicago 12 Pitteburg 10 Philadelphia 10 Boaton 8 St Louis 7 Cincinnati Brooklyn 4 EASTERN LEAGUE THURSDAY At Baltimore: Baltimore 8 Montreal 2 At Jersey City: Jersey City 7 Toronto 3 At Providence: Buffalo 9 Providence 1 13fc Pecans 11V40 -13 Castanas 10Mb Figs 13 Spanish shell peanuts 07 Jumbo peanuts Peanuts No 1 07 won Navel oranges box Lemons box 37b Apples bbl 6 Cranberries bbl 2000 ME vrs Fancy beef by 800 860 Sirloin 3teak 28 Rib roasts hi Rump steak 25 I Round steak 20 Whole ham lb 1 Western Lamb Legs Chop Forequnrters 1C 25 Ip £wtw frsryfMwg frspn European Flsn 500r 300 with Bath FOR 2lt-story house ell and smah stable 14 finished rooms nicely fitted for two families MRS CHAS COLE 52 Canal Bt Lewiston aprlSedtf FOR SaLk-A farm on Maine coast neur Rockland half mile from Samoaet Hotel Electrics pass door 161 CENTRAL AVE- NUE Lewiston Me apr23ed2w FOR A fine poultry farm right on slectric car line handy to market Apply to BAILEY Freeport Me may3ed3t 15 11 PROBATE NOTICES Beef loins Boik loins Chickens FOR House and lot with stable on White Street Lewiston Inquire of XV CROCKETT 163 Lisbon Street npr26cd1f itaa Jt dares upward a iwo pwseaa la rene 5190 a 4ajr aad kMKlnW wHhbMhsat parses la a rwa 99 a 4y pereona la a room II a 4g adapwar Cafe and Ladles Restaurant run under liberal management -club breakfasts Music every evening for dinner and after the theatre One of the moet homelike and beat looated hotels In New York Beautifully appointed ladles reception and drawing room on ground floor HURLBBRT GRAND HOTEL CO i eTBK BABOON IN BIRD STORE Mackerel BuieUa Shad qach Halibut Finnan baddies Huddock Cod large shore fish lb LEAGUE GAMES THURSDAY New Bedford 4 Lawrence 0 NEW BEDFORD Mass May With Manager Canavan in the game the New Bedford team hut out Lawrence this afternoon The score was 4 to 0 and good hitting by Canavan and Eliott with Whiting mlsplay brought the runs for the home team Elliott pitched poorly until the sixth after which he was master of the situation New Bedford 4 7 I Lawrence 0 6 1 Manchester 6 Lowell 3 MANCHESTER NH May Manchester defeated Lowell easily this afternoon by the score of six to three Cross pitched effectively for the home team with men on bases The features were the batting of Plelss for the locals snd Rafter for the Lcwell team Brennan a local man was given a try In left field by Ixiwell Manchester 6 7 2 Lowell 3 8 4 Batteries Cross and Eaton Urbach and Rafter Time 143 Umpire Henry To all persona Interested In either of th estates hereinafter named: At a Court oft Probate held at Auburn within and for th County of Androscoggin on the twenty fifth day of April In the year of our Lord nineteen hundred and slxthe following matter: having been presented for the action thereupon hereinafter Indicated it Is hereby ordered That notice thereof be given to all persona interested by causing a copy of tht order to be published three weeks ucce sivoly In the Lewiston Journal printed a Lewiston In said County that they may appear at a Probate Court to be held at said Auburn ott the second Tuesday of May next at nine In tlie forenoon ana be heard thereon and object If they se cause ALBERT IARRA3EE lat cf Web eter deceased Will and petition for probate tiiereof presented by Emetine Larra bee executrix therein named JAMES SPEAH late of Webster ceased Will and petition for probnto there of presented by A Knowlton executor therein named ROSCOE BRADFORD late of Turner deceased Will and petition for probal thereof presented by Asennth Bradford end for particulars NORTHERN SYNDICATE Lockport pov6ed6m 2 EDUCATED young gentlemen about 35 to laarn our business must begin aa salesman and take responsible positions when lUnlHled BURNETTE Preble Portland feblfledtf ui louse Made Proverbial Bull In Chinn Shop Look Like Thirty Cents "Pretty Poll! Pretty Poll! Taffy's good to lick Hl-dlddle-dlddle! A monkey on a Stick chanted a green parrot In the bird store of Seaman ft Stillwell at 321 Market rtreet about 6 o'clock this morning trying to squint one eye through the wltes of the cage to see if the sun was rising over the Passiuc Then the green bird gave a Imitation of a boy who has just learned to whistle and drew a score or more of champagne corkB Next It peered down Into rhe cage below where Jocko a small baboon monkey that used to travel with un organ grinder on the Roseville circuit was peacefully slumbering "Monkey no good!" screamed the parrot adding some slang and cues words it had learned from a Madagascar sallorjind barking like a dog sat up He reached out one slender hairy arm and No G466 Every woman who Is particular about her clothes desires such designs as shall be Individual and well suited to bring out her personal chains Here Is sketched an entirely new idea jn waist development The inverted box pleatR of the front are stitched to deep yoke depth and then allowed to form the needed fulness of the blouse A shallow yoke ending in points at the stitching of the box pleats gives a broad shoulder line while narrow stitched straps extend over the shoulder The suspender Idea Is a very becoming one to the majority of people and Dame Fashion is not going to let it drop even though one form reached its limit of over-popularity Instep of the usual cuff the small inverted box pleats are here Intervened by straps to correspond with those on the blouse Any of the popular waistlngs may be used to develop this waist In the medium size 8 A yards of 36-inch material are demanded Sizes 32 to 42 inches bust NEW CORPORATIONS Meadowbrook Farm Co organized at Portland for dealing Jn farm products Capital Stock $10000 Johnston president Levi Turner treasurer both of Portland Bloomfield Tobacco Co organized at Portland for dealing in tobacco Capital stock $125 000 paid in $350 President John Strieder treasurer Edward Tietz both of Boston Mass Municipal Slaughterhouse Co organized at Portland for packing houses Cap'tal stock $3000000 President Baldwin treasurer Eaton both of Portland Southern Investment Co organized at Portland for lumber business Capital stock $5000000 President Baldwin treasurer Eaton both of Portland Me The Nichols Composition Co organized at Portland for Mfg material for covering drawing rolls Capital stock $1000000 President Baldwin treasurer Eaton both of Portland ICtaadn Company organized at Orono for real estate business Capitol stock $10000 President Munson' treasurer A Durgln both of Orono Me Haynes Vending Machine Company organised at Portland for Mfg vending machines Capital stock $300000 President Baldwin Portland Me treasurer Frederick Stewart Now York I ray ft Sons of Gardiner whose saw mill was burned recently have tri Co- of Farmin Agents fer the best health and accident Insurance I buy life Insurance policies and pay more than tha company issuing them HUTCHINS Main Hotel Auburn novMedtf Morafis machinery open shops Steady work Big pay for good men PO BOX 891 BC Philadelphia mqy2eodl8l "DESTRUCTION of 85n bock Largs profits Act quick Sam-pls free GLOBE COMPANY 723 Cheetnut Bt- Phils mayJedSt At once or i good carriage pointer Apply WADE ft DUNTON CAR- RIAGE CO apraoedftwkytf references Cquirsd Addrea Journal Offloa Iasw-ta Fall River 4 Haverhill 2 FALL RIVER Mass May double play In the ninth Inning with the bases full foiled a great rally on the part of Haverhill In game with Fall River which the latter won 4 to 2 The locals won through bunching hits at the right time litggms and Carroll made sensational catches '4 7 1 3 6 2 Fall River Haverhill I US 1 Calendars FOR 1907 The best line of samples ever shown 1 in Lewiston send orders out of town but oall end examine sampler at Lewiston Jourijal Office marSadtf Grand Union Hotel Kooma From $100 Par Day Up OppaoHa Ground trql Psadln BAGGAGE executrix therein named WILLIAM NEWELL Judo Attest: FRED WATSON KegUtar apr27mayl7 felt of the fustenlngs of his cage He had done It regularly every morning since ho came tovthe store a captive six weeks ago This time he found the door unfastened Once more the parrot repeated the Insults concerning the simian tribe Something like a grin spread over Jocko's face anil he ceased picking his teeth with a straw Cautiously he crawled front Ids prison fastening the door behind him so that his mate a small ringtailed monkey might not get out There was some fun In pros-' and Jocko evidently wanted It all t-i (-I'l-H-I-H-I-H-l-H-i-i-Kli-l-H- NO SIZE ADMINISTRATORS' The sub scribers hereby give notice that they hav been duly appointed Administrator of th estate of CAROLINE GRAY) lata ot Lewlstcn in the County of AndroscoggUt deceased snd riven bond ae the law i All persons having demands a tate of said de 'eased are de sent the same for eetttement debted thereto are requested to ment Immediately NAME Batteries Clark Swanson and Kelly Sullivan McPartlln and Fltxgerald Time 145 Umpire Stafford Lynn 6 Worcester 2 WORCESTER Mass May 3 -Lynn broke Worcester'! string of victories today principally through errors by Hickman The batting on bqth aides was very heavy but the visitors kept down the runs by sbairp fielding ADDRESS To Let After May Slat a Monkey on a screeched the parrot or word to that feet the next instant the green bird 11 out a yell that aroused every feathered In- dealrabl urant In CITT A I i.

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Author: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

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Author information

Name: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

Birthday: 1999-05-27

Address: Apt. 171 8116 Bailey Via, Roberthaven, GA 58289

Phone: +2585395768220

Job: Lead Liaison

Hobby: Lockpicking, LARPing, Lego building, Lapidary, Macrame, Book restoration, Bodybuilding

Introduction: My name is Sen. Ignacio Ratke, I am a adventurous, zealous, outstanding, agreeable, precious, excited, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.