The Rockport Journal from Rockport, Indiana (2024)

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The Rockport Journali

Rockport, Indiana

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IW' PRE ROCKPORT JOURNAL ROCKPORT INDIANA RIDAY Page 5 CHURCHES LOCAL NOTES foot Stevens Newtonville was Barnett Sunday Heu BRETHREN CHURCH CLASSIIED ADVERTIsem*nTS I McIver Pastor Will sell No 40 and a a and a Wall Paper! ST BASYE Dealer in Pure Drugs and Mrs Simpson re Wednesday from Indianapolis Boon after many wife a sis and will had and Mrs Ida Warren Evans and three step brothers Jake Willie Raibley Richland and Raibley Bardena Calif The report comes to us as we go to press of the death of Scott Whittaker at his home in Huff township Harry Lanum Columbus Ohio has been appointed receiver for the irst National Bank He took charge 'this week Judge A Heurlng attended court in Cannelton Tuesday Charles Bise has moved from near Richland to the Vernie Richards farm west of the city BOONVILLE WINS TRIP (Continued from page one) Ambrose eigel and his mother Mrs eigel and Hilbert Lloyd and family visited in Indianapolis Sunday 3:30 Midweek resumer at Atty Austin Corbin and John Gnau Tell City were in the city ri day PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Services every Sunday afternoon at 2:30 All members of the congregation and friends are cordial ly invited to attend Rev William Amis Pastor or Rent: A four room cottage on Sixth street Lillie Peckinpaugh phone 98 Rockport Ind MERCHANTS NOTICE Within the next few days we will lave in stock a large variety of sizes of rolled wrapping paper Prices on this paper delivered will be cheaper han you have been able to get it from any other source The Rockport Journal Wasting Water Engineers of the Department of Ag riculture have found that water leak ring from a faucet in a stream the size of a pin wastes gallons a day Rep turned where Mr Simpson was a member of the legislature Mr Simpson is a hard worker and we doubt if his rec ord for faithfulness is surpassed by any other member in the Dr and Mrs Ralph Wilson were in Washington Saturday attend ing the inauguration of President Roosevelt SARAH HENDERSON Mrs Sarah Henderson died at her home in Evansville Sunday aged 75 years The body was brought to her old home in Newtonville where funeral services were held at New Hope Baptist church at 10 a Tues day Mrs Henderson was a sister in law of Ex County Commissioner Geo Henderson Snyder and wife and Mrs Clint Barnett motored to Washing ton Ind for the funeral of a cousin Walter or Sale: A small clean stock of groceries and fixtures stock separate if preferred or in formation call telephone Rockport Ind Boonville backguard brought defeat for Dale in the last half The tourney was a great success considering the shortage of ready cash and the fact that the home team was beaten in the first session The gate receipts were practically the same as at Boonville last year and that considered bad at all Heady of Dale was high scorer for the meet with 33 points and was followed by Campbell of Lynnville who made a total of 30 markers The victorious Pioneers now enter the Evansville regional and in their game they will hook up with the Cannelton Bulldogs who came thru their tournament with a sensational victory over the Tell City Red Devils If you remember the Tell City Rock port game of 1928 you can imagine what took place in Perry county after the Cannelton victory The winner of the Boonville Cannelton game will meet the winner of the Hazelton Central game Saturday night for the chance to go to the state finals at Indianapolis next week Besides these four other winners of this vi cinity included Jasper Vincennes and Washington who will meet in the Washington regional The biggest upsets came at Indianapolis where Tech outstanding state favo rite was dumped by Shortridge 25 to 20 and at rankfort where the Hot dogs were upset by the unbeaten team from Michigantown Tourney scores on page 3 Bom on riday March 3 to Mr and Mrs Roby Gentry a 9H lb baby iiaughter who will answer to the name of Martha Sue Our first shipment of 1933 Mayflower Wall Paper has been received and is now on display These papers are tested and approved for color fastness by the House hold Searchlight and Good Housekeeping Magazine or beautiful patterns col orings and texture they are unexcelled Our prices are right Wanted to Buy or Rent: A lot and house of about five rooms either on or very near state highway num ber 66 and either in or between Rockport and Newburg Give des cription location and price Ad dress Manager of Apartments 1102 West California street Urbana Illi nois mlO pd On Dec 24 1885 she was united in marriage to Nirum Winchell To this union three children were born James Tress and Grace One daughter Mrs Tress Rininger died Nov 22 1920 She spent her entire life in Spencer county where she was well and favorably known She was of a quiet home loving disposition preferring the duties of her home to any pleasures which she might have found elsewhere On May 4 1931 her aged com panion passed away This was a great shock to her in her declining years She had been an invalid for several years She is survived by one son James of Chrisney one daughter Mrs Grace Winters of Rockport three grandchildren three brothers James Rasor of Lake Mill John Rasor of Chrisney and Grant Rasor of Cali fornia three sisters Mrs Mollie Huff man Mrs lorence Bretz and Mrs Kate Bretz all of Rockport and a number of other relatives and friends Thus ends the career of a faithful mother uneral services were conducted by Rev McCoy at funeral parlors at 2 Monday Burial was at Sunset Hill cemetery DANIEL HEUGEL uneral services for Daniel gel 59 were held at 2:30 Tues day March 7 at the church in Boonville conducted by Rev Toole The burial was at Maple Grove cemetery in Boonville Dan was the son of Charles and Catherine Raibley Heugel and was born Sept 18 1873 in Spencer coun ty and died at his home in ville Sunday March 5 1933 being in failing health for months Mr Heugel was a successful er His special hobby being growing growing and grading peonies several years he was a road salesman for the International Harvester Co and had a large acquaintance all over Warrick and Spencer as well as other counties He recently retired from a four year term as recorder of Warrick county He is survived by his wife Anna two daughters Mrs George Newby of Cannelburg Ky and Miss Mabel Heugel of Boonville also a son Gil bert near Midway by a former mar riage He is also survived by a brother Wesley Heugel at Degonia two grandchildren George Daniel and Dixie Lois Newby two half sisters Mrs Kemp Grass town ship ville and Mike Mrs Sunday School class at the church had forty six members present' Sunday A contest between this class Judge class is on and close Easter The class thirty eight present Sunday RICHLAND CHRISTIAN CHURCH Sunday School 9:30 a preach ing at 10:30 6:30 preach ing at 7 :30 OBITUARY Louisa Rasor was born Oct 31 1853 and departed this life March 4 1933 having reached the age of 79 years 4 months and 4 days She was the daughter of James and Eliza NOTICE TO DEPOSITORS All depositors of the irst National Bank of Rockport Indiana are re quested tobring their pass books to the bank at once that they may be balanced Harry Lanum Receiver farm peony He took great pride in or Hatsel a caller at The Journal office Wed nesday Mrs Wesley Abel Arcadia Ind visited her mother Mrs Nora Jones here last week TRINITY CHURCH The revival is in progress People are being saved and reconsecrated The invitation is to you Services every evening at 7 :30 Some sermon titles for this week are: Jekyll and Mr He Ye Rev Rosier the evangelist will preach at least one evening this week Hear him also in his address before the combined glasses of Judge Heur ing and Mrs Huffman Sunday at the Sunday School hour also in the 10:30 church service Sunday morning Sunday services: Sunday School 9:30 a morning worship at 10:30 Epworth League 6:30 evange listic service at 7 :30 Junior Epworth League Monday at Ladies Aid Wednesday prayer meetings will be the close of the revival Page Pastor NEWTONVILLE LADIES AID Money raising spending and do ing good unto all is what makes the Newtonville Ladies Aid a success They meet every Wednesday at the Modern Woodmen hall from 9:30 a to 4 and at the noon hour each member present enjoys a pot luck dinner At present they are very interested in a quilt they are making This quilt is pieced and then any person desiring their name em broidered on it pays the Aid a dime or more The Aid is also doing Red Cross work They have completed thirty garments in the last month and they also feed eight children from the pub lic school every Wednesday noon Mrs' Mary Hasenmeyer and two daughters Mrs letcher and Mrs Dawson of Grandview were visitors last week Devotional services are held every week at 1:30 Everyone is wel come to attend The Seminary A will meet at the Seminary building Tuesday evening March A group oi songs will be given by the 4B 4A and 5B pupils Songs by the male quartette composed of Niles Kar ney Kirchgessner and Spayd and music by three piece or chestra will be followed by discussion of the topic of the A led by A ay LARKIN BAPTIST CHURCH Sunday School 1 :30 and wor ship service at 2:15 each Sunday af ternoon We invite you and all your friends to this service Bishop Pastor NAZARENE CHURCH Sunday School 2 The Sun day School lessons are interesting A class for everyone Afternoon ser vices at 3 Sunday evening services at 7 Rev Riddely of Bicknell will de liver the message Sunday evening George Gatecliffe Pastor WALTER BARNETT Walter Barnett son of and Margaret Barnett was born in Rockport in 1884 and died in Wil lard Ohio March 2 1933 The fam ily moved to Washington seven years ago where members of the family still live remains were brought back to Washington Sunday morning where the funeral burial took place He leaves to mourn his Katie one brother Samuel and ter Mrs Stella Clauson both of Washington He also leaves an aunt Mrs Minerva Taylor and an uncle George Barnett both of this place besides nieces nephews cousins other relatives or Sale: Irish Cobbler early po tatoes raised from certified seed last year Cheap Call Kirkland Rockport Ind 2 phone 162 3 m3 tf Joe Craig Grandview is reported iticallv ill He has an infected BAPTIST CHURCH to church in This Sunday is Bring your family and sit with them church service Sunday School at 9 :30 a go over the hundred mark worship at 10:30 6:30 evening evangelistic ser vice at 7 :30 miss this unusual service at 7:30 A real old time song service March 13 to March 18 will be prayer week at this church Each evening from 7:30 to 8:30 The pastor will bring a brief mes sage each evening on prayer miss these services Our revival starts March 26 Bishop Pastor Blue ront Grocery Temple of Economy 100 lb bag chicken grit 45c 3 boxes Palmer matches 10c Mackerel 9 oz fish each 5c 3 lbs Early Breakfast coffee 43c Pure hog lard can $250 25 lb bag salt 30c 2 5c boxes salt for 5c resh raisins 2 1 lb pkges 15c Sugar cured bacon lb 9c 2 lbs grocers mixed candy 15c 1 lb pkge soda crackers 10c Golden Maid oleomargarine lb10c 100 lb bag Cobbler seed pota toes $125 100 lb bag salt 85c Queen olives quart jar 29c When in Rockport make the Blue ront your store Morning at UNITED Mt Zion Sunday School 9:30 a morning worship at 10:30 Rockport Sunday School 9:30 a 6:45 evening worship and sermon at 7 :30 Ebenezer Sunday School 9:30 a 6:30 Midway Sunday School 9:30 a NOTICE TO DEPOSITORS OLD ROCKPORT STATE BANK A meeting of depositors of the Old lockport State Bank will be held at the court house Saturday afternoon at 2:30 All depositors are urged to je present By Order of Committee GEORGE ELTMAN George eltman formerly of Rich land died at the home of his son Er nest in Evansville early Monday morning Mr eltman was 74 years old uneral services were held at the home of his son Tuesday after which the body was brought here for burial in Sunset Hill cemetery Mr eltman was a son in law of Anthony Stevenson His wife who was Miss Emma Stevenson died about a year ago CATHOLIC CHURCH Daily Lenten mass 8 a Wed nesdays Rosary sermion benedic tion 7:30 ridays stations of the cross benedictions 7 :30 Sunday masses 7 :30 and 9 :30 a Devotions stations 2 :30 Ru ral instructions Saturday with mass Sunday between masses Lent which began with Ash Wed nesday is a closed time for mar riages irst riday devotions this week as usual Thomas A Hoffman Pastor ree: Ask us about our new plan of giving our customers $1 worth of merchandise free at Gyneth Richards Wanted: County distributor in Spencer county Man or woman to develop territory for large dress manufacturer Territory going fast Write or wire Give references Dept rocks Cincinnati Ohio HATIELD CHARGE Richland Sunday School 9:30 preaching 7 Hatfield Sunday School 9 :30 gospel team 6 at 6:30 Pleasant Chapel Sunday School 9 :30 a Paul Lewis Pastor Reduced Beauty Prices at Gyneth Richards: inger wave dried 35c free finger wave with ladies hair cut 35c hair cut ladies 25c free wave with hair cut school age 25c hair cut grade age 15c or Sale: Nice timothy hay in the stack $250 a ton Mixed hay cheaper Sam Busier 1 mi west of Eureka 3tpd TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH The Church School will meet at 9:30 The pastor will preach at Rasor deceased who were classed 10:30 on the theme ar from among our best and most prominent the The Light Brigade citizens while living will meet on Tuesday after school Lenten service on Wednesday eve ning at 7:30 The pastor will preach on the theme Cross of Christ Its Meaning The catechetical class will meet on riday after school Earl Courter Pastor HALBRUGE CO HALBRUGE CO They offer you a whole cotton ward robe morning frocks for the home or street golf and tennis dresses novel beach wrap arounds fascinating fa brics prints in all versions broad cloths smart piques And only a dol lar each though find the price mark hard to believe when you see the clever styling and the wonderful quality of the fabric in each dress decidedly a cotton year you know so come to the store and select your Dawn a Day Wardrobe LEO WliiSi (vJ I Mortgage Exemptions: Made at my home 410 Elm street between ourth and ifth streets one square from Main street in Rockport Min nie Snyder mlO pd Sweet Potato Growers: Why raise your own sweet potato plants when you can buy good healthy plants from high classified seed at $125 per 1000 or 15 cents per 100 Only best of plants sold All varieties of plants See rank Ellis on Ed Squier place Rockport 2 ml7 pd or Sale or Trade: A 1931 model 1 ton Chevrolet truck in A shape Will consider either sale or trade Ben Bischof Call phone St Meinrad Radio Bargain: Crosley electric 8 tube radio $12 Guarantee not out yet Battery set for unwired homes complete $20 Phonograph and rec ords $5 Henry Store 111 3rd St Owensboro Ky or Sale: By armers State Bank at Rockport black locust posts Or see A Litherland Centerville Ind on good gravel road Choice posts 15c seconds 10c f24 4t Battery Charging: ree inspec tion expert battery service New batteries for sale Also a supply of good cheap roofing paint Cochran at Roy Garage Phone 199 or Sale: Mules and cows or will trade for corn Gene Scamahorn Rockport Phone 156 14 flO tf Now is a good time to subscribe for The Journal HONEY the best of sweets made by good natured Italian bees Year around supply lowest prices You want pure honey plus good service A trial order will convince you I have both Res mile west of Eureka Address Rockport Eugene Busier or Sale or Trade: Eleven head of mules ten head of mares Dodger cuope ord roadster Jersey cow registered Holstein bull 2 years old and some registered cows and heifers A team for almost any purpose Waters phone 2 2 Rich laid 4 tf Notice: I have a few nice Red roosters left Will sell at re duced prices Also I Red eggs for hatching at 5c above market Also will hatch baby chicks or do custom hatching at reasonable prices Mrs Heckel Rockport Ind Phone Richland 2 12 j6 tf We have the bast lum ber building materials at the in the city Before you buil( our lumber Wood shin gles nd $350 per square while they las We allow you 5 off for hauling Jocking Bros Lumber Co Evansvillend j20 tf chicks from purebred bloodtested vigorous healthy stock Every breeding flock inspected monthly by our fieldmen Chicks hatching Monday and Thursday of each week Write for catalog 'and new low prices Electric Chickeries Box 161 Evansville Indiana f3 tf i.

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The Rockport Journal from Rockport, Indiana (2024)
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Author: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

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Name: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-03-23

Address: 74183 Thomas Course, Port Micheal, OK 55446-1529

Phone: +13408645881558

Job: Global Representative

Hobby: Sailing, Vehicle restoration, Rowing, Ghost hunting, Scrapbooking, Rugby, Board sports

Introduction: My name is Geoffrey Lueilwitz, I am a zealous, encouraging, sparkling, enchanting, graceful, faithful, nice person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.